Have you ever wondered how Headliner supports our free tier? Have you ever seen this?
It’s all made possible by Podcast Promo.
What is Podcast Promo
Podcast Promo is a paid widget player for podcasts. Podcasters can essentially pay to target new ears through the Headliner Network.
The unit pictured above is called the Internal Podcast Promo Widget. The internal widget plays 60+ second podcast clips to podcasters in Headliner while they wait in project export queues.
Podcast Promo customers can even add lightweight demographic and geographic targeting information. This ensures their clips are only heard by ears conversion potential.
Can Podcast Promo help me get listens?
Yes! Podcast Promo clips are made using RSS feeds. This means all traffic Podcast Promo gets is funneled back to your host platform. Listeners can even click through to listen to the full episode or connect with the promoted podcast.